
I got a twitter account, I feel very old when Im getting used to a new GUI (do folks still use that term) in my 30s I became a Novell Network Engineer … which only means I do know how to read and follow instructions. Since then they totally destroyed google … so much is censored and why cant we use “quotes around phrases” anymore? … which once upon a time would pull up all manner of documents with that text string … I was actually able to find a lot of solutions by dumping error messages into google … in 1999 not a lot of folks knew those things, using “” was powerful, not anymore. Im already making lots of followers and am following more. I had around 1,200 friends on facebook … but I was shadow banned constantly and finally they took my account away … but I had a lot of folks sharing things and then they were all GONE! LOL! I” post my screencaps of me=y restrictions one day … i didn’t bully (they said I did but it was hardly that!) or use profanity. And it was posting this link that got me banned for good,I stick to things at face value … Its not that I do not believe there’s crazy stuff going on … but there enough simple stuff they’re doing right in our face that we all have to callout … Jim Comey’s daughter being Ghislaine Maxwell’s lead prosecutor stunk to high heaven … 50 former intel agents outed themselves as entrenched bureaucrats (AKA deepstate) thugs.

I have to get a better app to make memes, here are a few Ive put out there and some images I like to use. I do have to stay on the mission ,,, what is the Republican Message? I am looking for input but like most things if you want it done or even to get folks to do it with you, you have to do it first. ANYWAY back to twitter, I appreciate Musk … Im out there sticking to three things mostly, 1 Trump did not collude. 2 Hunters laptop is real and covid didn’t come from a bat. For two years a lot of weak minded slaves to media monopoly propaganda were call the folks who said such things very insulting names … they still mock the folks who saw through the BS as if we are mentally deficient but you can tell they’re not used to being called out and when you have feet of clay and you have been relying so heavily on censorship for a couple years … their wakeup call is a difficult one, the truth is they are easy if you keep it simple.

Become an expert on Eisenhower’s farewell address and you’ll be a stronger person for sure. The good news here is it is very brief and WRITTEN FOR THE COMMON MAN! Ike was an amazing clerk, of course much more than that but his strength in “the corporation” was taking all manner of information and generating a brief “need to know” report that he could easily go into depth on all the currents of … but he gave us “THE REPORT” when he left office. EVERYTHING we face today, militaryindustrial complex … technological elites … money corrupting “science”. He doesn’t name it the medicalindustrial complex but he does call it out. An “alert and knowledgeable citizenry” is supposed to keep these entities in check however our media monopolies make one near impossible and are now driving us, not informing us. Your voice is important, call out the BS when you see it.

My blog will be named the “Assaulted by Science Chronicles”.

Have you had the bug I cannot name without being censored? Were you coerced or forced into taking a shot? Then you have been assaulted by “science”. If our government wants trust and for people to stop saying “crazy” things … then the government should probably stop doing crazy things and constantly lying. One thing that really shines the light on how well propaganda works is the fact that the people that were so upset about “the bug”, used it politically, lashed out at their fellow citizens for not just taking”science’s” word as we destroyed our economy and forced something else I cannot name without being censored upon hundreds of millions and still rolling … these people HAVE ZERO interest in the bug’s origin … which if by never being held accountable for 19 can only guarantee 20 even if you believe 19 were an accident, There are things you cannot name in America without being censored, Throughout the history of humankind the folks demanding censorship have never been the good guys,